I found someone who might have seen the Lady in the sea of blood anime (and a deeper analysis of the rumored anime)

Alright, so let me start off by saying that I know most of the community has moved on from Lady in the sea of blood, and it's understandable given what Able did, manufacturing evidence and leading us all on for months. But I still feel that there might be some truth to the rumors of a LITSOB anime, and not just because we had people not connected to Able or the fake twistedanger say they heard the same rumor. If you believe the entire LITSOB anime rumor was made up by Able, which is still a very real possibility, at least read to the end of this post first, because I have some more evidence that might suggest otherwise.


Part 1: Backstory and evidence for the rumor

First let me briefly go over the rumor again. Basically Able said there was an anime adaptation/spin-off of Lady in the sea of blood (an obscure live action fetish film with strong similarities to Saki). This by itself doesn't mean much now since we now know Able was a liar. But what was really interesting was that some other people we reached out to who were familiar with LITSOB said they had also heard the same rumor of a related anime. Namely, youtuber Brutalitywillrule666, who specializes in gore films and made a review of LITSOB, said (when we asked him) that he had heard of an anime connected to LITSOB, and he told us he had heard of it a few years ago, meaning it's impossible he had heard it from Able. And although it's possible, I have a hard time believing Brutality is lying, especially since he has been so helpful to the search since we met him, and he's clearly passionate about this type of stuff. Even Whang's conclusion in his third saki video was that the LITSOB anime rumor was a promising lead. Whether it's true or not, it at least needs further investigation.

The other discrepancy I noticed with Able making up the LITSOB info he provided was with the picture he provided in his post. https://m.imgur.com/a/tET9mym Yes, it's very lazily made and Able easily could have Photoshoped it together. It's just a shot from the LITSOB dvd of the lady brushing her teeth with a filter and some text hastily thrown on it. But look at the title in the bottom corner, it says "Lady in the sea of blood 2". Now to refresh your memory, the dvd twistedanger sells is just called "Lady in the sea of blood" so it appears to be a stand alone movie. But back when we were all researching LITSOB, we found out that LITSOB was actually a series of five films. Most of them are still lost media but the only one that you can actually watch is the one twisted anger has a copy of that they sell on their dvd. And that is the second one in the series. In other words, the dvd twistedanger sells is actually of LITSOB 2, but they sell it under the title LITSOB because it's the only one in the series they have. The important thing to note here is that the community mostly didn't know LITSOB was a series until after Able made this post with the picture. If you look at Able's post history it becomes clear he didn't know the dvd was of LITSOB 2 until after he posted this picture. In his post prior to this one where he was reviewing the footage on the dvd, when the title card came up saying 血の海の美女 2, Able said "So I am guessing here that they inserted all parts inside of one" Meaning that he thought the footage on the dvd was divided into parts, and that title card was the start of act 2. Even in the same post where he mentioned the LITSOB anime and gave us that picture, he said that the picture was a "Cover of new Lady in the sea of blood", implying he thought the picture was the cover of a sequel film the the movie on the LITSOB dvd. So what do I think happened here? Well, Able wasn't just a troll, he was a real researcher before he went rogue and decided to make up the darkanime evidence and impersonate twistedanger. So maybe he did email twistedanger, or talk with someone else while researching LITSOB, and that's where the picture and anime rumor came from. In this case I think the picture would be what twistedanger used to advertise LITSOB when they first decided to sell dvd copies of LITSOB 2, but before they decided to rebrand the dvd as just LITSOB. It's either that, or Able did create the picture intending it to be for a sequel to the LITSOB dvd, and it's just a coincidence that the dvd happened to be of what was actually LITSOB 2.

Part 2: Analyzing LITSOB and the anime's Google Trends data

So what really made me decide to make this post was what I discovered next. I saw Themightybreadgod's recent post about the google trends data for "go for a punch" search data, so some credit goes to them for making me think of this. I had seen people try to use google trends before, but their post is what reminded me about it. It got me thinking about if I could find any correlation between search trends for Lady in the sea of blood and something along the lines of "Bloody punch of the lady", which is what Able said the LITSOB anime was called (and also the name Brutality said sounded familiar when asked about the LITSOB anime)

If you don't know, google trends basically maps out how often different things are searched for over time. If two things are related, we would expect them to have similar search traffic levels over time, and share some spikes. Now, I've heard google trends data isn't super reliable, especially for such low traffic search terms, so I won't spend too much time on this section, but I still thought this was worth bringing up.

So I first tried searching for Bloody punch of the lady, the exact phrase Able said the LITSOB anime was called, but that didn't have enough search data to generate a graph, so I tried other variations on how that title could be translated from japanese to english. I eventually arrived at "Blood punch of the lady" which didn't have a lot of data, but did show some spikes in search traffic over the last decade. Here are the charts for "blood punch of the lady" web searches: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=blood%20punch%20of%20the%20lady And youtube searches: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all_2008&gprop=youtube&q=blood%20punch%20of%20the%20lady This could be just a coincidence, but I think it might be more than that seeing how this was the only title similar to this I could get any data to show up for. Other possible title translations I tried with no results were Bloody punch of the lady, bloody punch of the woman, bloody punch of the beauty, bloody punch of a beauty, bloody punch of a lady, bloody punch of a woman, blood punch of a woman, blood punch of a lady, blood punch of a beauty, blood punch of the beauty, blood punch of the woman, lady's blood punch, lady's bloody punch, woman's bloody punch, woman's blood punch, beauty's blood punch, and beauty's bloody punch. Out of all of these variations, the only one to turn up any results was "Blood punch of the lady" with all the others showing literally nothing. If this is to be believed, this might mean the anime may have circulated around the internet under the title "blood punch of the lady".

I also looked at similarities between the graphs for blood punch of the lady, blood punch anime, blood sea anime, blood sea beauty(an alternate translation for LITSOB), and Lady in the sea of blood. I do see some similarities between the spikes, especially between 2010 and 2015, but I'm not sure if it's significant or not, so I'll link it here and let you decide for yourselves. Web searches: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=lady%20in%20the%20sea%20of%20blood,blood%20sea%20beauty,blood%20sea%20anime,blood%20punch%20anime,blood%20punch%20of%20the%20lady Youtube searches: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all_2008&gprop=youtube&q=lady%20in%20the%20sea%20of%20blood,blood%20sea%20beauty,blood%20sea%20anime,blood%20punch%20anime,blood%20punch%20of%20the%20lady

Part 3: Someone who says they saw "Blood punch of the lady"

So after I found the google search data for "blood punch of the lady", I decided to google it, and I found something I really wasn't expecting to. Basically I got one result, which was a recent review of LITSOB on letterboxd. The review just said "Blood punch of the lady estaba mejor". I don't really know spanish, but google translate says it means "Blood punch of the lady was better" Meaning this reviewer says they saw something called "Blood punch of the lady" which they thought was a better film than lady in the sea of blood. If this is true, this could be huge.

Here's a screenshot of the review: https://imgur.com/a/9JehKRA And here is the link if you want to look for yourself: https://letterboxd.com/film/lady-in-the-sea-of-blood/

Now this review was only posted a few weeks ago, so it's possible that this is a troll, but I'll explain why I think that's unlikely for a few reasons. First, it was posted a few weeks ago, while the LITSOB hype in the saki community died down months ago. Secondly, it's in spanish, and all of the other stuff posted in this person's account is also in spanish. I think it's unlikely a native spanish speaker decided to troll the english saki community by referencing the anime Able mentioned, and I think it's even more unlikely that an english speaker went to all of the trouble of writing a bunch of the other reviews on this account in spanish just to troll with this one comment. Third, they didn't use the title Able told us. They used the slightly different title that happens to be the only one that shows up on google trends. Finally, if you look at this person's account history, it's full of weird obscure anime and horror, a bunch of stuff I've never even heard of. Just look at their review history and watch list. Honestly, I think this might be the real deal.

So I think we really need to message this person and ask what "Blood punch of the lady" is. I don't think you can send messages on letterboxd, but it seems like if you have an account you can reply to reviews. So I think we need one of us who can be trusted and can comfortably speak spanish to reply to their review and ask about it. Please everyone don't spam them with messages, If this is real we can't risk scaring them off. We just need one person to professionally reach out to them (in spanish). I really think this might be important.

Edit: We got someone to reply to the review already. We shouldn't have anyone else reach out right now since we don't want to overwhelm them, so for now let's just wait and see if we get a reply.

Edit 2: Well we got a reply. They said they had heard about it from the search and the review was just a joke. So I guess they didn't see it. Oh well, I guess the search continues.