file names, profession and dario
the files names we've seen so far are bellingham, cairns, coleman, culpepper, dranesville, allentown, tumwater, siena, lexington (from the lexington letter), kingsport, labrador, le mars, long Branch, minsk, moonbeam, nanning(somewhere in China apparently), narva, ocula, pacoima and finally, pooskeri (from the grand Central promo) + santa mira (s02e01)
if you do a little digging, these are names of places. but not just that, they've seen some battles too. however, ocula isn't a place. I'm wondering if there is a connection between mark teaching history, particularly WW1, and this.
another thing being that dario arrives after helly finishes the siena (italy) file. if we connect the dots like Peggy K., what if siena killed someone dario loved and was then brought into lumon?