I’ve done over 1,000 orders and…
There’s VERY ungrateful customers, 98% of my orders I’ve been rated 5 stars, “due to privacy” I just got my second 1 star rating, I remember the first one I got and I do take accountability for it, but this 1 star I have NO CLUE what I did wrong, I greet and thank customers ALL of my 1,000+ orders have been on time except for one it was ONE MINUTE LATE, due to being in a rural area and heavy road construction, I put my FULL 100% effort into each and every shop wheater it’s a preferred member or not! This really eats at me and totally brings my morale down on these folks. The lack of transparency SUCKS, how are you going to correct what you did wrong when you can’t even obtain the correct constructive criticism, what’s circus!