SMTV Vengeance or Persona 3 Reload?
Hey all, thinking of getting one of these Atlus's classics, but I don't know which one.
I want to get SMTVV because I've played SMTV day one on the switch and have completed it. I loved the combat with the press turn system, the demons too. I don't like the story too much, where there's too much gap between story and gameplay. Since I played the Switch ver. I didn't like the performance too but I'll be buying this one on PC so that's not that big of a problem.
As for P3R, I've only played Portable for just a little bit, til the end of the first few floors, and after the train boss fight. Even though I didn't finish the game, I did watch the four anime movies so I already know what's going to happen, both on the original and FES version. Normally, for me the usual no brainer pick would be P3R, but I dislike P3P (and subsequently P4G and probably P3R) because of the randomised dungeons as opposed to the curated dungeons found on P5.
Question is, which one do you think I should get?