If you could update one existing pack, which would it be and why?

For me, it would be Island Living.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this pack. I love the overall vibes. Sulani is a freaking beautiful world. I love the townies. I just generally love everything it has to offer. But the mermaids? They need a massive overhaul.

I'd love to see mermaid brought up to line with werewolves, vampires, and spellcasters will a perk system. I also think it'd be cool if you could choose for them to be good mermaids or evil mermaids (sirens). I'd also really love to see an underwater neighborhood/hidden world (multiple lots that can be built on) only accessible to mermaids or through scuba diving, that latter of which I think would be a very fun addition to the pack.

I've always loved mermaids, and I still think they're a pretty fun occult to play, but they definitely deserve better than what they currently have.

Outside of updates to mermaids, I'd love to see the Island Living festivals added to the calendar like they are for other packs. I also think that in addition to scuba diving, other water-related activities/hobbies, such as surfing, would be fun additions. I also think additional aspirations outside of the Beach Life aspiration – maybe one similar to the Jungle Living Archaeology Scholar and Jungle Explorer aspirations, as well as maybe one specific to mermaids, since there are other occult-specific aspirations – would be nice.

So, which pack would you update?