Salicylic acid alternatives?! [Acne] [Product Request]
I have some really deep set bumps/impurities that don’t go away with scrub exfoliants. I u se benzoyl peroxide but it mainly gets rid of the active whiteheads I have. I have used salicylic acid (‘pure) AND a wash but they both broke me out. I’m pretty sure I’m allergic, because I tried using a lower concentration and it made my face itch like a MF and I was miserable. It DID begin to bring some of the deep set stuff up but at what cost…the bumps that were small and immovable/stuck are now larger but very itchy and painful. Are there any alternatives to salicylic acid that y’all can recommend? Note: my skin is EXTREMELY dry and I often have to use like 4 different moisturizing products. Please help!!!