Seeing snakes
I hope someone can help me make sense of this. So lately I’ve been a more spiritual path. Idk if this is purely coincidental or not but this was odd to me and idk what to think. Today my BF and I went for a trail walk and sat down for a second.. there was a huge rock with a hole he said “there’s probably snakes in here”. Shortly after we were walking through the creek and he goes “I’m surprised we havnt seen any snakes yet” I said “don’t speak too soon”. 5 minutes later we were standing on an overlook and he was standing over a hole, I was standing a little behind him. All of a sudden a snake came up out of that hole and across his shoe and back down into the water. We left that area. As we were walking I was thinking to myself there’s no way all the just happened .. and another one crossed in front of us right then. Does this have any spiritual or symbolic meaning??