Who is a “Perfect” Wrestler?

Just a collection of thoughts I’ve been pondering on, who would your 10/10 “Perfect” wrestlers be? Bring guys that can fill any role convincingly, have great moves, charisma, longevity, in short they just have “IT”. I will keep my choices short enough to not run of on a tangent but they for me would be

•Eddie Guerrero- Undoubtedly one of the greatest to ever do it, the man was charisma. He could play a convincing heel and a great face and was a credible champion at so many points in his career, whether that was for the cruiserweight, IC, tag or world title. He would elevate himself and anyone he worked with, may he rest in peace.

•Mr Perfect- A perfect wrestler, no pun intended. He could sell ice to an Eskimo and put on a classic on his worst days, his matches are still regarded as classics now. Hennig never got the spotlight he truly deserved mainly due to injuries but he was one of the greatest midcard players of his era, I say that with all due respect as he was amazing in the role of elevating others such as my following choice.

•Bret Hart- An absolute no-brainer, Bret gave it 110% in the ring and is arguably the best in ring worker of all time. He played an incredible heel and even better face which is one of the main themes behind my idea of a “perfect” wrestler, he genuinely was just head and shoulders above the rest as a tag team specialist, an underdog and a grizzled veteran towards the end of his career. He has some of the best feuds and matches of all time and always went the extra mile within every arc of his career to make everything convincing, like my other choices he has the look, charisma and ability to be the “perfect” wrestler, what more can be said other than legend.

•Ricky Steamboat- The greatest pure babyface of all time, his in ring ability was unmatched and he is extremely underrated as a performer by younger audiences. Steamboat wasn’t always in the main event spot but when he was he made himself and his opponent shine, same can be said for his matches which put over younger upcoming talent such as Steve Austin. I love any Steamboat match, he displayed the art of wrestling perfectly.

I will be keeping my list short and sweet but I’d love to hear your choices, some of my personal choices would also be Dolph Ziggler, Nikita Koloff and Tully Blanchard.