Are there bad stories out there about Molly Holly?
Context: I was randomly going back and reading Uproxx's Top 50 most attractive people in wrestling column from 2012 and this paragraph from current Uproxx and former SB Nation wrestling writer Bill Hanstock about Molly Holly gave me pause.
"When I met her in person, she was just as sweet and charming as you would imagine. Of course, there are all sorts of horrible stories to be found about her, because it’s pro wrestling and there ain’t nobody a saint in this devil’s-asshole of an industry. But I will always believe she was the most legitimately wonderful person in the WWF. Oh my darling Molly-chan, I hope you’re happy … wherever you are.”
Now, I love Molly Holly. To the point that she was my favorite women's wrestler growing up and was the person I probably popped the hardest for in the Rumble this year. Beyond that though, I've heard nothing but amazing things about her outside of the ring and from every interview I've listened to from her, she just sounds like the sweetest most humble person out there. So I ask, what is Bill talking about? Does anyone know? I've tried to look where I thought I may be able to find something, but I've been unable to locate any negative stories about her.
I'm hoping he was just talking out of his ass but I generally respect Bill's views on wrestling and he knows a lot of people from what I can tell so I don't think he'd just say that without having heard something. Just curious about if anyone had some info that might explain it.