After rewatching every film back to back I believe Revenge of the Sith is George's greatest film. The magnum opus of Star Wars.

The dialogue, the politics, even the subtle musical cues are so on point in this film its unreal. Anakin being denied the rank of Master with a touch of Vader's theme and the council looking at him with a bit of fear and distrust. Obi-Wan regretfully informing him the council wants him to spy on Palpatine. Padme angering him by speaking about the flaws of the Senate and him accusing her of being a Separatist.

There are no wasted moments in this film. No grating dialogue, no awkward Brother/Sister kiss, no Ewoks hitting each other with sticks, no Jar Jar stepping in bantha poodoo.

You could have no prior knowledge or context about Star Wars, watch this film as a stand alone, and completely understand what is happening.

The music, the cinematography, the acting, the battle scenes, the epic final confrontation. 10/10. This is George's masterpiece in my humble opinion.