The Inhibitor Chips Cheapen Order 66

Recently, I have seen a resurgence about the whole inhibitor chip plot after TCW S7.

I’m gonna go against the grain and say I personally disliked it. I prefer having the Clones willingly kill the Jedi. Karen Travis’s interpretation and the 501st Journal did it best. The Jedi were clearly traitors who only used the Clones. Palpatine only wants was best for the Galaxy, and the Jedi were just causing trouble.

A common misconception though, Disney didn’t create the inhibitor chip plot. From what I have read, it was Lucas’s idea way before Disney purchased Lucasfilm. Filoni and Lucas probably retconned it just so little kids who watch TCW can sleep well at night knowing a handful of their beloved Clone heroes wouldn’t willingly execute Order 66. This is why Karen Traviss is better than Filoni and Lucas.

This is also why I love TCW 2003. TCW 2008 is just some kids show.

Who is down to march into Disney HQ like the 501st and force them to undo the current canon Order 66 and replace it with the Legends version!