Hi, I will be a step mom soon (been raising the child since he was 1.5) I have an issue with the BM. She looks down on me Bc I work 2 jobs(she thinks a man should take care of her) she talks down to me and I don’t feel like I can defend myself. Shes very good at gaslighting people. She made a tik tok and someone commented on it and she responded with something directed at me. I was informed bout this and handled it accordingly by saying if she continues to tell lies I will have no problem providing the paper trail to prove her wrong. She then said I can say what I want about who I want blah blah blah.
I said that’s fine but you can no demand me to respect you if you don’t respect me so until that day comes.. I will treat you the way I deem appropriate. She did not like that.
We are having behavior issues with the child and she believes that he shouldn’t be punished but rewarded for the little good behavior. My SO is legit battling her on his own Bc I’m too scared she will drag him to court if I confront her..
How can I put my foot down