[WaT] The Chapter Arches
Technically its: WaT, The Chapter Arches + Kaladin
I want to talk about chapter arches, especially in this book. They serve as a profound narrative device, consistently present throughout Books 1-4, 11 capstones for Heralds (and Wit), watching over the characters in each chapter.
However, from Day 2, you would start to notice something strange happening to the arches. A crack here, a broken stone there. On and on as we go, the arches slowly crumble. As we reach the final chapter, it’s like a slow-motion train wreck, and then—the epilogue hits us like a jarring realisation.
Everything we knew about Roshar has changed. Even gone. Lost.
This is where I would like to take a moment to appreciate the creative team. Brandon is a master storyteller and a genius, but the creative team brings those feelings to life visually. One of the best (and hidden to some extent) aspects of the story was reflected in the chapter arches.
The deterioration of the chapter arches as the story unfolds is such a powerful symbol. The world is ending, humans are fighting an inevitable battle at multiple fronts, and our heroes are separated, each on a daunting journey of their own, fighting their demons. The Heralds who watched over are broken, agonised by the burdens they bear, the secrets they sealed. Religion, belief, faith—the Gods…everything the world counted is no more.
And yet, there is Kaladin.
I have always been a Kaladin fan. He is undoubtedly one of the best fictional characters ever written and will forever remain in my heart. He embodies strength and hope, the power to withstand even the fiercest storms. He’s at the heart of everything—of Stormlight Archive and still has a huge role to play in the future of Cosmere.
So, despite everything. Kaladin is the one who everyone thinks. When Adolin was at his lowest? He thinks of Kaladin, the bridgeman who survived the odds. When Sigzil is losing hope? He thinks of Kaladin, their friend—the one who trusted him to lead. When Navani is trying to run away with Gavinor? It’s Kaladin who opens the Oathgate for her. Even when Dalinar renounces Honor, he thinks that Kaladin will somehow preserve a piece.
Wind, a dormant power of old, woke and blessed him as their Champion. The sprens of Roshar flooded to the site of the Oathpact to witness him. The Heralds, broken and gone, still returned to pledge their support and forge the pact anew. All in hope because of Kaladin Stormblessed.
So when the chapter arches finally crumbled into dust, nothing remained, no hope. Just darkness and ruins…
Then, the epilogue. A new capstone. A new Herald. Of strength and resilience. Of second chances—still standing, still fighting.
Still giving Hope.
Right, I'm gonna come back. Gotta wipe the tears.