Questions for End Gamers - Metallia Vs Master Yang

I tried switching to Metallia, as I’ve seen a lot of the 10,000B+ damage players are using her and Croaky in EE, but I’ve noticed a few things that I have questions about. I know that you should switch around 71-91% CR, but not the details. Any info will help.

Current Stats

About to be 3R Yang/Metallia 25 shards away.

Crit Rate = 101% with Moonscar Bracer fully active

Crit Damage is 170%.

I own 25 Relic Cores

She’s wildly inefficient in EE for me, but taking me to new levels in CE and PoT. I typically get about 2000B with Yang. Here are my questions:

1) Should I be blasting green tritone as much as possible while using Metallia?

2) When does Metallia become effective in EE?

3) Should I be building Croaky or Rex? Why? Note: I already have a 5R star Murica.

4) Is there a cheat sheet of what I should be setting my relic cores to for EE? I have the one for CE already. Please post in comments.

5) I have an eternal drone 1800 resonance, my hi-maintainer is at 900 resonance, and own all of the other red tech parts. What should my tech part set up look like for EE? Does it change for CE and PoT? What should I use for Yang if I switch back.

6) What does my weapon and abilities do I prioritize in battle?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks and I hope this helps others.