I think symm is... Strong
Like once the perks are online especially the teleport regen one you feel like a duel threat. And both minor perks aid your flank/offangle in diff eays depending on map (stronger slow and damagebfor easier orbs and burstoer tp bombs and safer symm nests or access to faster rotations depending on the map.
The only perk I find bad is the beam range one. Its like choose between slightly better ability to finish people off and maybe beam pharah or literally become as tanky as reaper while you are tpong back and forth pelting people with damage. God the regen tp gives you so much confidence to take duels. Cass can't 2 tap you anymore. Of dash is sliw on her second shot and doesnt 2 scope hs you instantly you can tank 2 headshots If you dance between tp spots I have successfully dueled a zarya with that 50hps total
God she feels strong now. I don't LOVE how she is strong (being very tanky instead of being more lethal)