Endless playability - not just endless REplayability.
One aspect I'd really like to see with TESVI isn't just the ability to replay it over and over, but the ability to just play indefinitely.
What do I mean by this? In Skyrim, you can play for quite a while, but you eventually reach a point where you're not really playing for any particular reason. You get more gold, more trophies to shove into chests full of junk you don't want or need.
Eventually, you get all the houses, you get the best gear, and then what's left?
And...yeah, all games must come to an end, sure. But this game is meant to be a real event; a tour-de-force that will last for decades, longer than even Skyrim did.
Which makes me think, it would be really neat to have things that you can continue to progress for a long, long time.
Imagine for example, if there was a hidden 'order/chaos' bar for all the different holds? At the start, it would be completely on the 'chaos' side, with most farms being deserted and decrepit, and bandits living fairly close to the holds. But as time passes and you kill bandits there, the order bar slowly creeps up - and suddenly, after clearing out those close bandits a few times, that farm is returned to working order!
Players would stop and scratch their head: didn't there used to be a bandit den? But then the farmer stops by and says, "Thanks for clearing out those bandits, adventurer! Thanks to you, we finally felt safe enough to come here and make a new start!"
Gradually, the player could actively work back the bandits across the land, driving them back further and further into the wilderness. Of course, the further you go, the tougher the enemies you face and the more land must be liberated. While civilizing any given chunk might not take TOO long, doing the entire map could take literally years of playing - especially since the bandits wouldn't just sit still, and would regularly try to return to their old holds.
By the time you're done, all but the inhabitable lands will be like the French Riviera, rather than the barbaric country it was to start with. Of course, there would always be SOME lands where bandits could hide; the steep mountains, the deep desert, or the truly impenetrable wilderness. But those are areas where you could actively include procedural generation without worry. You could imagine one edge of the map to be just endless deep forest, where the further you go the taller the trees get and the darker the depths and the stronger the enemies. At any time you can always fast travel away, if you want, but if you want combat, the Forest is always available - and the nearby lands could always be attacked.