Anyone in the US with United Healthcare?
I know all plans are different, but I’m just curious about others’ experiences. I’m supposed to have coverage for up to 4 egg retrievals. I’ve gone through 5 IVF cycles but only 3 retrievals and was supposed to have my baseline appt tomorrow for what would hopefully be my last covered retrieval. I’ve been priming and everything. Then just today I found out that UHC has denied the pre-auth for this next IVF cycle. I haven’t gotten the letter yet so I don’t understand why. They approved all the others and I have the coverage, so why deny now? I’m so depressed. I had to fight really hard to even get on the schedule for this cycle because everyone wants to get in by the end of the year. I turn 43 in January and that’s really looming over me. I just feel like I’m being stupid and need to just understand it isn’t going to happen and give up. My mind knows that but my heart won’t accept it.