Therapist seemed very surprised and touched I told her she forgot to send the invoice for our last session

Okay so I pay my therapist via Venmo right now and she sends a payment request at the end of every session. However, she forgot to send me one at the end of our last session, and at the end of today’s I told her “also, you forgot to send me a payment request for our last session” and she was confused and said “wait, are you sure? I’m pretty sure I did” and I told her I was pretty confident she didn’t, and she actually pulled out her schedule book and pulled out her Venmo history and said “oh wow, I didn’t…” and then she stopped for a moment and looked at me and said “[name], thank you for your honesty.” I laughed and told her there’s no need to thank me but she said “no, I’m being serious” and said she has had patients (and still does!) who wouldn’t have said anything and she genuinely valued and appreciated that I told her that. I told her “if for nothing else I can’t afford to lose the trust of pretty much the only person I have a positive relationship with right now.” She sent me the two payment requests before I left and she told me she wanted me to know how much she admired and valued my honesty and integrity. She even used it as an opportunity to circle back to something I said during our session when I said sometimes I wonder if I’m a bad person.

I don’t know, that made me happy. As a people pleaser I really enjoy when I can do things that make others happy, but when someone you respect and trust is complementing your integrity like that, it made my day. But also like…I can’t even imagine stealing from her?? if I didn’t say anything and just let her think I already paid, I would almost feel like I reached into her purse while she wasn’t in the room and stole the money from her. Not to mention, I’d have this secret that would haunt me for the rest of the time we saw each other and that trust between us would completely go out the fucking window. It’s honestly borderline triggering to think about what could’ve happened if I didn’t correct her.

Anyway, yeah. Positive experience and positive self reflection :)