What’s a character that you’ve been terrified of when you were younger?
For me it was Pennywise. I was scared shitless of this dude. A monster clown who eats children was the most terrifying thing for me. Also somehow I gaslighted myself into thinking that he just spawns in when I turn the lights off and I need to run to my room as fast as I can. But now I just can’t take him seriously and honestly think that I can beat his ass. The thing about Pennywise is that the more you fear him the stronger he gets. So if you start roasting him, he’s not gonna be able to do much. In the second movie he got his ass verbally roasted so hard that he shrunk to the size of a baby. Also if you believe that the object you’re holding will hurt him it WILL hurt him. So I can theoretically just yeet a slipper at Pennywise and it’s gonna blow half of his head off. So yeah I’m beating him (Though realistically I would be shitting bricks if I see this dude running at me in a dark alley)