Please use DEODORANTS !!

After 4pm, whenever I use public transport, the level of body odour from young people is often overwhelming. They can't entirely be blamed, given that in a hot, tropical place like Kerala, an active lifestyle naturally leads to sweating and sweating leads to body odour. And half the Indians don't have the ABCC11 gene that makes their body odour especially bad. While regular baths (preferably twice a day), removing oil from the hair, and wearing clean clothes can make a significant difference, they aren't always enough.

Deodorants are a must if you think you have bad body odour. Also, please understand that PERFUMES ARE NOT THE SAME AS DEODORANTS. Deos prevent bacterial growth on your skin and prevent bad odour. So they HAVE to be sprayed on skin, especially under your armpits. Perfumes, however, are meant to add a pleasant scent to your overall presence and can be sprayed on clothes or skin. If you use perfumes without using a deo, you would most probably smell extra awful.

While choosing deos, choose the ones that do not irritate your skin and does the job. If you dont like the fragrance, opt for odourless deos (yes, they are a thing). Also note that 'body fragrances' like FOGG are diluted perfumes, not deos.

So please please use Deodorants. This was something I wish someone had told me when I was a teenager.