I can’t keep going on with this

Just ignore this wee rant if you want

So i’m recently new and I ALREADY WANT TO QUIT. I’m only an 16 year old and i’m still at school doing my alevels (idk what that would be for america) which for any americans reading this. A-levels i think are extremely important definitely to get into university and you need to be in the mindset and do your best you can do to get good grades. Anyway back to the work thingy… I swear this job is just taking the mickey out of me! I tried to book a day off which btw the day i tried to book off is in a month’s time… and they just denied me?? Like 10 minutes after i applied for it and i just got denied straight away… like erm hello.. they said to me “make sure to book any days off BEFORE your schedule is posted”. My schedule is not posted yet… why did u deny me… Also… my contract is for 12 hours. Right… meant to be working only TWELVE hours. TELL ME WHY THEY PUT ME IN FOR 18 HOURS WITHOUT ASKING ME OR ANYTHING..

Thank god i’m only a christmas temp and im leaving as soon as christmas is over.. i’m away with santa claus at this point bye bye.

This rant is prolly stupid but im just a 16 year old what can u expect 🥲