It got better, YAY!
Day 10 today, and I’m just here to tell you that you’ll be okay 💙 I’ve not needed any painkillers today, took a nice long walk in the middle of storm Bert (it’s not that bad in London) and ate like an absolute king!
On Thursday, I couldn’t imagine getting to this point so to be here on Sunday, it’s just amazing. My throat just feels a bit sore / raw since the scabs disappeared, but not enough to require painkillers.
However, the brain isn’t completely back to normal yet. Hopefully soon! And somehow, my body forgot what to do with food.. so I have a dodgy tummy.
Not writing this to boast. It’s to show you if you’re struggling with day 3/4/5/6/7, it will get better very soon. Just get through today and tomorrow is a different day, hopefully better! 💙 this is such a day to day recovery, keep going everyone!!