how do you handle being "too sensitive"?

so i posted something on another subreddit and... almost immediately people downvoted the crap out of it and jumped to conclusions even when i gave them more info on the situation, and that alone got me so riled up that i now have brainfog

i deleted the post and blocked the person who instigated the barrage of accusations, but my body's still having this reaction. i feel dizzy and everything. i ask this here because, to me, it's so fucking embarrassing that my body and mind does this and i've never had the guts to tell anyone about it irl...

has anyone else gone through this? i wanna know if there are any things i can do practically to stop my body from having such a visceral physical reaction to negative/off-putting/accusatory comments

i know the easy thing is to just... not engage much on reddit and to remind myself that people don't know my situation, because some people are just assholes and they want a reaction, but still...