I met my hero, stateside.

As the title says. I often sell Land Cruiser parts online, and listed some Wheels on marketplace. The guy hit me up and was joking about driving out his 76 series. I told him I would believe it when I saw it, but that would be absolutely amazing. Lo and behold, I get an alert of a vehicle in the driveway. I look on the cameras and I see this thing sitting there!! I asked how he got it here...tell me. I will sell a kidney. I'm healthy. He just smiled and told me you can either drive it and enjoy it for what it is right here in front of you. Or if I tell you, I'll have to k*ll you 😂 He handed me the keys and told me to pick a gas station not immediately close, but he wanted to fill up on some cheap Indiana gas and give me an opportunity of a life time.

The twin turbo V8 was orgasmic to the ears...instant chub infusing sounds. Im putting it second to the LFA as far as my favorite sound out of any vehicle. I had chills the whole time I was driving it, it was left hand drive as well which made the whole process even easier even though I have driven right hand drive manual vehicles here in the states. The manual transmission had very, very nice throws, it wasn't too long, and it wasn't too short. It was exactly what I was expecting out of the vehicle. The seats and the comfort were amazing. The fact that the door handle inside was almost the exact same as my 1988 4Runner, struck another deep gouge at my heart strings.

I asked the guy if I could film some stuff with it, as like everyone else. I would absolutely love to be able to have a YouTube video of this, he respectfully asked if I did not and at first didn't even want me to take photos. After seeing just how excited I was and the fact that I literally had a tear come down my face, he allowed me to take these few photos.

I can't believe I got to meet my hero State side. I'm forever fucked and want one.