Disappointed with season 1

I knew the series wouldn't be as good as people were saying, but I expected better.

The series and many of its dialogues seem to be written by a teenager. The main character is tough, he's smart, nobody understands him, he's different. I think I know what age group would love to hear that.

Horror, well, not so much. Sometimes it gets interesting when there's attention to the case, but even then, it's intermittently interesting. The cosmic horror elements are anecdotal.

There is much more development of the private lives of the characters, than what I would call a cosmic horror plot.

Which is incredibly hypocritical, because the series, through the characters say that life is silly and a constant absurdity, more or less that. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but I'm sure I'm not the least bit interested in the lives of the characters.

I'm not interested in Cohle. I'm not interested in Marty. I'm interested in the mystery surrounding the case. Maybe I would have liked more this series if I knew in advance what the filler was, and get right to the interesting stuff.

Maybe even better as a movie that ignores everything that isn't the case, and has more emphasis on the horror aspect.