You all need to stop using the word propaganda because you fundamentally don't understand what propaganda is or how it works.
Let me break this down for you in plain terms. Hello, former 37F - US Army Psychological Operations Specialist here. When I say I know what propaganda is, it's because I literally made it. We just don't call it propaganda—only "the enemy" does that.
Now, let's kill some myths.
Myth One: "They're all brainwashed."
Wrong. I can't brainwash anyone. No one can. I can’t make you think, believe, or act in a way that's against your core nature. You know why? Because propaganda doesn’t create new beliefs—it amplifies what's already there. People don’t magically adopt ideas; propaganda works by exploiting bi@ses, fears, or inclinations that already exist. It provides justification, not transformation. People won’t act contrary to their nature, and propaganda doesn’t overwrite that—it just directs it. That’s why it’s a convenient scapegoat for bad behavior: "It wasn’t me, it was the propaganda!" Or, as they used to say back in the day, "The devil made me do it!"
Myth Two: "I’m too smart to fall for it."
((Laughs in psy-op)). Oh, sweetheart, no. Your arrogance makes you an easy target. All I have to do is stroke that ego of yours. Flatter you. Tell you you’re special, enlightened, smarter than "those other idiots." I’ll tell you you’re on the right side of history, and they’re the bad guys. Sound familiar? You’ll eat it up because it feeds your ego, and before you know it, you’re parroting the same points I designed for you.
Myth Three: "Only those people fall for propaganda."
Nope. Everyone is susceptible to it. You, me, everyone. Why? Because propaganda is just targeted marketing. It’s tailor-made to appeal to your wants, needs, fears, and desires. You think you’re immune because you’re logical, but I’m not going after your logic—I’m going for your emotions. Because if I can get you to feel, you’ll forget to think. That’s the whole game.
Fast food ads? That’s propaganda. They don’t sell burgers; they sell happiness and family moments. ASPCA commercials? Same deal—they trigger guilt and compassion. It’s all about emotional manipulation. Even neon signs are propaganda in a way—they’re designed to catch your eye. It’s everywhere, and it works because it’s made for you.
The Truth About Propaganda:
I’m not trying to convert everyone. That’s not how it works. I’m not going to turn a vegetarian into a steak lover with my steakhouse ad. But that’s fine—I’m not talking to vegetarians. I’m targeting the people who already love steak. I’m showing them sizzling steaks, happy diners, and good times. I’m tapping into their existing desires. I’ve already accounted for the people I won’t reach. What matters is getting enough of the right people to bite, and I will.
So no, propaganda isn’t some all-powerful force that magically rewires brains. It’s just psychology, marketing, and knowing how to push the buttons you already have. Everyone is vulnerable to it—especially those who think they aren’t.