If anything more than mild criticism of Trump looks like TDS to you the only one deranged is you
I hate Trump. I absolutely despise his views on a lot of things. Do I have TDS? Well there are things I give him positive credit for like ending NAFTA and pulling out of the Trans Pacific Partnership. But I have a lot of things I vehemently disagree with the man on. For instance his takes on climate change are scientifically wrong and serve the interests of the establishment. He has a tendency to lie about a lot of things which is true of most politicians, but Trump and his supporters like to pretend that he’s somehow different in this regard. He’s fancies himself anti war but he’s incredibly hawkish and imperialistic with regards to enemies of Israel and policing other countries in the Americas. His cabinet choices are all business establishment types many of which have massive conflicts of interest with regards to the positions they’re being appointed to. He has questionable relationships with leaders of countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE who have developed a strange habit of patronizing Trump’s businesses as he deals with them favorably as president. Which again I know isn’t unheard of for a politician, but Trump fancies himself the man who will “drain the swamp, so shouldn’t he be held to that standard? And then there’s how he reacted to losing 2020. Is it any wonder people accuse him of wanting to be a dictator after that national embarrassment? He pardoned his son in law’s father as well as a bunch of his associates and supporters, and I know I know, “but Biden.” Again this is the “drain the swamp” guy. He should be held to that standard. I could go on and on about reasons I dislike the guy and don’t think he’s a good president.