Most Redditors are stupid
I've been lurking on this site for years, and if there's one thing that's become painfully obvious, it's that most Redditors can't read, can't write, and definitely can't think. The confidence with which people are wrong here on a daily basis is honestly impressive.
Let’s start with the absolute disaster that is punctuation and grammar. Every thread is full of barely coherent ramblings—run-on sentences that never end, commas tossed in randomly like someone’s just guessing, and formatting that looks like a toddler went to town on a keyboard. Apparently, basic sentence structure is too much to ask. And don’t even get me started on "your" vs. "you’re" or "there," "their," and "they’re." How are some of these people adults and still struggling with this?
Then there’s the complete butchering of words and definitions. Half of Reddit just throws around terms they don’t understand because they saw them in a tweet once and thought they sounded smart. “Gaslighting” now just means “someone disagreed with me.” “Narcissist” is the go-to insult for anyone they personally dislike. And “literally” now apparently means “figuratively” because why bother using words correctly when you can just make up your own meanings?
And let's not ignore the reading comprehension crisis. Redditors will confidently reply to a comment with a smug argument that proves they didn’t even read the original post. Ask a simple yes-or-no question, and they’ll hit you with an irrelevant five-paragraph essay. Say something completely neutral, and they’ll twist it into a personal attack. It’s like they can’t process more than five words at a time.
Honestly, it’s a miracle some of these people function in real life when basic literacy is such a struggle. Maybe they should put the keyboard down and pick up a book—or at least try reading a sentence twice before embarrassing themselves in public. But yeah, that’s probably asking too much.