I don't get why people hype/cheer the collapse of the US

(holy yap session)

simply put it,the world needs the US no matter how hard you spin it around or change it

First of all : how will the US collapse? We know a military invasion is near impossible so that's out of the question,economic? Maybe a recession,if it's a total economic collapse the rest of the world will feel it heavily,and I don't think a civil war is happening either,and about the debt issue,with that logic,Japan is the worst economy in the world yet it's still has a decent and strong economy,same with Italy,while china is also rising in debt

Second : why does everyone want for it's collapse?

Sure,it has done some pretty horrible stuff (Iraqi and Vietnam wars,the countless CIA interventions etc) but compared to other superpowers/great powers of the past (USSR,British empire,all European colonist empires,the japanese and nazis) they were actually somewhat tame,picture this : you are the only nation that isn't affected by WW2 and no nation is even close to the economic and military might of the US, considering the circumstances it's not that bad compared to let's say the USSR,the British,french etc

But the world NEEDS the US,the United States has a big chunk of the world trade,pretty much defends and spends on all of europe,a big part of southeast Asia,Japan,Taiwan and south Korea etc,so if the US collapses ,these countries will feel it heavily and possibly collapse too

Even though china produces pretty much everything you have and imagine,but what will you do if you can't ship these products safely? The US protects most if not all the world shipping lines,if the US collapses,trade will be much harder and more expensive,which causes increased in prices and instability world wide

The US funds basically the entire UN, WHO (previously,not anymore) NATO and much more

And because a deeply unpopular odious orange dude that's been elected doesn't mean the entire world will leave the US,they nuclear bombed their closest asian ally twice (Japan),burned the city of Toronto to the ground (Canada) fought their colonisers multiple times and got independence (Britain) and set back Germany to the stone age during WW2,and you are telling me that a bunch of tarrifs and other policies are gonna ruin centuries of cooperation in a four year period?

The US allies (mostly citizens) always shit on the US but always come back crawling to them for military and economic aid and the US helps,just let the US leave from NATO and the UN,isolate itself,leave all shipping trade routes vulnerable,leave the entirety of europe and a big chunk of Asia isolated and see how the world goes in chaos

It's just stupid to hope for a collapse for the US without thinking of the consequences,the only "collapse" that's somewhat logical is if china somehow in the coming decades surpasses the US and becomes number one,while the US stays second,that's the only "collapse" that I see,not the Roman empire type of collapse where the US collapses into 50 different states,they are too connected

And if in a war,you don't win them with quantities,you win them with logistics and the US mastered the art of logistics and it's not even close,no other nation is as close as them

sorry if my English sounds bad sometimes,eng is my second language

Edit : the US is the sole reason why there hasn't been any major conflicts for a while,we are living in the golden age in human history BECAUSE of the US,the only reason europe and japan weren't a complete wasteland decades after WW2 because from US aid,the US achieved probably the closest thing to world peace even though there has been a few regional wars here and there (Korea,Iraq,Vietnam,Ukraine, Palestine etc) but there hasn't been a major one since WW2

The US Is so hated because it's the number one superpower,go to any point in history and the strongest nation will always be hated,no matter what including the US,yes,the US isn't perfect,but neither is china,Russia,India or any other nation in the world,the US crimes are aired to the public and atleast do something about it,not like other nations who hide it under the rug and hope for the best (I'm looking at you Japan),the internet is also a huge factor since the entire world is in your fingertips at this point,so it's very easy to hate on a nation/president without nothing happening