My Gf Cheated On me with 4 girls

(Lesbian!!) So basically what the title is saying. I was in a really abusive relationship and we ended things before she went to jail I swear I would never date again. Ofc I healed and got over it and tbh I never felt better. I was working more and everything. One day I met my now gf and we were literally the best of friends for months before we even looked at each other like that. One day things changed and we just decided to take the risk and things were great. The thing is before I date anyone I always explain my boundaries. I really just want someone who communicates but also comprehends. She obviously agreed. She really helped me become more soft and feminine and I loved that. As we got more serious I realized she didn’t really talk about her feelings. When we moved in together I expressed my concern before and a week after we moved in together but she convinced me we could do it. With work, bills, and her phone she just stopped paying attention even more. We started “arguing” but in reality I was just expressing how some of her choices hurt me. So I started telling her how she was so distant and how I thought it was my fault and she let me think that guys. So a few days ago I had a dream that she cheated and when I woke up I literally couldn’t shake the feeling so I asked her for it. She gave it to me but as I was looking I noticed her breathing really hard.. so I asked who this girl was and she pretty much told on herself. She lied so much though. First it was only one girl and it was only three days. For some reason I just wasn’t buying it and I text the first girl. She was very sweet and sent me everything. Turns out it was her ex and she had been texting her for a month. Then three days later I find out there were two more girls. I asked her to move out but she keeps convincing me to let her stay. It’s been days and yesterday I found out about a whole new girl. I haven’t really told anyone and tbh I’m really upset about this. I know we all have our problems but she knew how much I’ve been struggling and still showing up for everything. I want to fix things because she swears she’ll change and I’m not going to lie she thought I was moving out so I can understand the whole spiral thing but a whole month? We weren’t even arguing then yk? And it’s like you wouldn’t have told me on your own. I had to pry everything out of her and I was forced to read and see things because she couldn’t tell me the truth. Idk don’t cheat on people guys. Edit: I am a lesbian, she didn’t have sexual relationships with these people just kept up on going conversations with them. I regularly get tested so I’m good, also she’s not worried about being homeless more so losing me. I just need advice guys I’m not close with my mom and my dad is insane so yeah…