Vent out from a Wife
Assalamualaikum. I know this is not good to express something very personal online but I dont have anyone to talk to. Please forgive me in doing this.
I am 26, married last year and gave birth a month ago. I just wanted to open up about my situation. I got married here in Dubai, I am not from here and my husband also is from another country. Before marriage, he has promised he will never leave me and I was gullible so I agreed. I am a revert. During our Nikkah, he never gave me anything- not even flowers. His excuse was it was Ramadan time, and he cant go outside much so I just let it slip. Important to me was finally we are married. On my 8th month pregnancy, he left me for three weeks to go home in his home country to make his fishpond, I suggested he can postpone for a while and do after delivery but he still went. I stayed here alone- I work from home virtually. I was very emotional recalling his promises before marriage that he wont leave me yet he is doing it during vulnerable time for me. I gave birth a week after he came back and it is one month before my expected delivery date. I was emotionally and mentally unstable so I am to blame. Now, my baby is one month old and husband talks about going home for Ramadan and Eid soon to his home country. As excitement, I asked him if I could come with him and celebrate with him as it would be our first Eid together with our baby and celebrate Anniversary as well. He said no, I cant come with him now. He will tell me when he will take me soon and that I shouldn't keep on asking further questions. I just felt so embarrass after that. Now, whole day I'm just questioning my worth. I'm thinking of starting a new life but I have to get a job here with better pay and I dont know where to start. My baby is still very young. I dont know where our marriage will lead us because I cannot see that he is making plans for our future. Sure, he talks about buying new building and properties in his home country but I realize, he never mentioned in including me in the future that he builds.
I just wanted to let this out of my chest since I cant talk about these things to my family. I painted him to them as a very good person that treats me so well and Im embarrassed to share to my family how I truly am now. Thank you.