I'm an actual researcher. If your tired of the "personalities" here's what you might have missed

As a researcher that has published quite a bit over the course of 3 years on the UFO subject, I certainly feel mostly ignored. I am the only person I'm aware of that actually dug into the AAWSAP DIRDs. I've pointed out so many overlooked aspects of this topic I don't know where to begin at times.

  1. Col John Alexander claims Robert Bigelow funded experiments for Q level clearance LANL nuclear physicist Pharis Williams' 5D theory that predicts both a form of low energy nuclear reaction and a coupling of gravity to electromagnetism. Williams is on camera claiming they were getting good initial results before he died.

Exploring 5 Dimensions | The Dynamic Theory of Pharis Williams: A New View of Space-Time-Matter | by Observing The Anomaly | Predict | Medium

2) Chris Mellon's family owned a company with a very, very long history of developing advanced assets and spinoff companies for the military with a direct link to Manhattan project physicists that was working on fusion energy research then it was sold to an oil company that then sold it to two wealthy brothers with very odd connections to well-known defense contractors and The Bay of Pigs invasion.

Chris Mellon's family bought General Atomics, which was formed by Manhattan Project physicists, when he was 10 years old and sold it 20 years later to a guy involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion that also worked for Learjet and Raytheon : r/UFOs

3) One of the DIRDs mentions the work of Ken Shoulders and that his EVOs are "ideal for further research." Hal Puthoff worked very closely with Ken Sholders on EVOs in the 70's and 80's. Eric Davis also references Ken Shoulders work on EVOs in his paper for the Air Force on Ball Lightning. Puthoff also worked closely with George Hathaway. All three are part of the current Safire Project, which is also claiming anomalous transmutation of elements from plasma induced effects. Low energy nuclear reactions have been of prominent interest to this group of people possibly before the 1989 Pons-Fleischmann announcement, but definitely after.


4) There are many odd connections to a known MKUltra scientist named Andrija Puharich (February 19, 1918 – January 3, 1995) — born Henry Karel Puharić to the UFO subject as well as a former OSS propagandist named Gregory Bateson (who has a lot of MKUltra connections himself.) For example, Eric Davis references Puharich's alleged psi work in his Air Force paper on ball lightning. Also, Puharich was VP of an NGO that co-sponsored a symposium in 1983 that George Hathaway was a co-chair of. Also, Peter Levenda has explained the alleged ET channeling of "The Nine" by Puharich and I have pointed out that "The Nine" also show up at Esalen Institute in a very influential way along with Gregory Bateson. Now, we have alleged video of an orb that was summoned at Esalen part of the UFO lore pushed by the most prominent talking heads.

Convergence Station: Esalen Institute : r/UFOs

5) Ken Shoulders and George Hathaway have very close ties to John Hutchison and studied the Hutchison Effect. Shoulders thought it was related to EVOs. Hutchison has endorsed the ideas of Judy Wood that his effect was weaponized and used to bring the towers down on 9/11. Puthoff still endorses Shoulders work. I've seen Shoulders' archives, and he really was involved in early microelectronics and drone research (he was a pioneer in these) before working on EVOs and "cold fusion." Peter Levenda has endorsed the idea that 9/11 was a mass occult ritual.

Michael Shellenberger submitted testimony to Congress about the Huthchison Effect, which leads to some Alice in Wonderland level rabbit holes : r/UFOs

6) Cults. The mods don't like us discussing them here. UFO cults are probably larger and more prolific than you think. There's one that has been openly saying they clone human beings in an era where that is possible to do, but nobody seems to care because they don't think it's real. There are some odd connections to the Heaven's Gate mass suicide and the psychic spy program considering one of the remote viewers went on air and confirmed that there was an object hiding behind the comet and this was the impetus for the attempted "ascension." There's also currently a cult called 5D Disclosure that doesn't look like a UFO or ET cult, but if you follow the story close enough the Love Has Won cult wasn't formed until the second Father God (who left the cult relatively early and is currently posting on reddit new info) and he joined after witnessing strange lights in the sky. He claims that this shook him to his core when he was already beginning to question reality which made him very susceptible to the cult, which he also claims at the time he found on a site called First Contact Ground Crew. They apparently have also been called the Galactic Federation of Light. They are New Age mixed with literal Qanon conspiracy and the documentary on Love Has Won doesn't dive into the racist and antisemitic component to this cult. The Nonsense Bizaar podcast chillingly points out The Saint Germain Foundation is an active cesspool of this kind of content and its origins in the 1920's to other cults/ideas formed by cults (memes) which have direct connections to Nazi occultism.


7) The NYT reported Uranium in Antarctica in 1946 and that there was a six-nation race over its resources. Operation High Jump included the NYT reporter, Walter Sullivan, who wrote extensively about Antarctica during that era as well as published a book titled, We Are Not Alone. I believe this is the first reference to that phrase in pop culture. Admiral Byrd was saying that there was enough coal in Antarctica to fuel the world for 100 years and I even uncovered the Navy documentary featuring both Byrd and James Forrestal.



8) Going hypersonic without creating a sonic boom actually is known to be at least theoretically possible according to NASA and other sources that are subject matter experts on magnetohydrodynamic applications in aerospace engineering.


9) A hair sample from an alleged contact event could actually be evidence of some early human genetic engineering experiments using a now widely known technique that wasn't widely known back then.


10) Vacuum balloon technology is theoretically possible using nanomaterials and/or plasma compensation.


Proving the theoretical feasibility of introducing plasma as a solution to the vacuum balloon problem : r/observingtheanomaly

11) I've formulated a unique way to address the Fermi Paradox.

Addressing the Fermi Paradox by identifying The Great Filter through the lens of a Prime Directive and the basic limitations of physics : r/FermiParadox

12) There is so much I'm sure I've forgotten some of it.

Edit: For the haters. I never claimed to publish in academic journals nor was that meant to be implied. The submission statement clarifies my use of the words was simply in response to another post. Try to comment on the content of my work and not focus on who I am or if I'm "credible". If the content is poor or the sources, then point that out. Stop making appeals to authority! And if you claim to have a PhD on an anonymous site, I won't believe you because you can't cite yourself as a source anonymously, ffs. I reference all of my sources and do so often. Also, to all those pointing out the grammar mistake in the title claiming I have poor grammar. It was literally one mistake on par with a fucking typo.