Marines in New Orleans i desperately need assistance
So what happened was I am fuckin retarded, I have a class here in NOLA for the week, UOD is cammies, and my motivated little cover is sitting in my car 2k miles away. My OIC already thinks I'm retarded (I am retarded) any help/advice would be sick nasty.
Update 1: the saga continues I drank 4 NOLA brand brewskis and admitted to my disgusting little mistake. The good boss man had no problem taking me to the to the nearest PX. (30 minutes). Plot twist, they only have X-Smalls for all the pin-head fucks of the corps. Will continue this fight
Final update: I'm just rocking with this little ass cover and learning a lesson, thank everyone for all the suggestions and help. I did not expect so many responses, ill probably just go boots and utes and PT between destinations so I dont have to be a pin head