Farewell & Good Riddance uBer Eats

Tonight, I went offline on Uber Eats for the last time. As of today, January 2nd, I quit uBer Eats.

All I can say is, what started as a side gig for extra money in 2021 has turned into one of the most insufferable, miserable, disgraceful, and degrading hustles that one could do for honest work. I started doing Uber Eats after the lockdown lifted but really took it to a full time level after I was laid off from my high-salary job during the job market crash of 2023. 2023 was phenomenal. Extremely high paying orders, constantly busy, and the tips were steady overflowing.

Unfortunately, what was happened in the last year had not only made me loathe being an uBer Eats driver, but despise the company as a whole. Where do I even start? • Arriving to restaurants just for them to be closed. • Having to wait 15-20 minutes for a supervisor on the phone for extra compensation when uBer Eats or the customer messes up. • Restaurant employees automatically being nasty & hostile to drivers due to the bad apples who gave us a bad rep. • The extreme wear & tear on your possible vehicle. • The insulting and infuriating orders that come through (picture above). • The customers….. omg. I could make a whole different post about how extremely entitled, disgruntled, disrespectful, and horrendous the customers have become. • Underage people or people with non-proper ID ordering alcohol and of course you not finding out until you arrive. • The extreme over-saturation of the market on a regular basis. • My final straw was having to cuss out a guy behind the counter at a restaurant for trying to snap my head off for simply asking for a wait time for the two orders I had already been waiting 10 minutes on. I knew that my time was coming to an end.

I have finally started a new job. I don’t know what I’m going to do on the side just until I’m out of the hole from the lay-off but I will figure it out. What I do know, I refuse to keep running in this hamster wheel of never-ending debauchery and despair. To all my fellow UE drivers, you deserve so much better. We are human beings as well, and the reason my rating dropped to 93% is because I refuse to be disrespected for rat droppings as pay. I am walking on faith and trusting myself at this point.

I know it’s hard out here y’all, but NOBODY…. And I mean NOBODY….. deserves this utter disrespect.

Excelsior to you all and please stay safe. 2025 is already off to a wicked start and more people are joining the circus each year. I will still be lurking on here and rooting for all of you.