Thoughts and suggestions for improvement after two weeks of games

I've watched all of the games so far and am enjoying them. I like the format, but see a few issues that could be corrected/improved upon.

1- I think the amount of fatigue and potential for injuries in this new (full-court) format were underestimated.
2- The games are consistently running longer than the allotted hour.
3- With only 6 players and so many players sustaining injuries or missing games due to other commitments, some teams are already short-handed. This also creates an issue if players get into foul trouble. We saw this last night with the Laces game. It was legitimately sketchy at the end with only 3 primary Laces players available to play in the last quarter.

I have two suggestions to help fix the above.

I think they should seriously consider decreasing the length of each quarter to six minutes. This wouldn't feel like a huge difference to fans, but three minutes off the total game time (so that's 15% in first three quarters) would help with fatigue and foul trouble. People are also more likely to get injured when they are fatigued. Shortening the game very slightly would help I think. Cutting back the length of each quarter would help with the excessive run-time as well.

I also think that they should seriously consider implementing some kind of requirement that all clubs have 6 players available to play for every game. They could achieve this in a few different ways. Either:
1- increasing roster size to 7
2- have a player or players available at the arena to fill in if someone is injured (think of this as almost like tagging someone in to play with you in a streetball game- this could be really neat if executed properly)
3- continuing w these short term contracts (I think this is the least efficient way to handle it, personally)

What does everyone else think?