“Made her prove she wasn’t on her period”
Rewatching for the millionth time. Just started season 3 with Miami girl. The story is that Miami girl didn’t want to have sex because she was on her period, and Tom made her prove if she was or not. I think it concludes that she was, and they had sex anyways? Don’t fully remember.
In my personal experience, I’ve told randos that I’m on my period because I don’t want to be intimate with them. I’ve gotten into situations where the conditions would likely lead to us hooking up, I decide I don’t want to, and I say I’m on my period because it always seems like the safest “out” to me. Can’t help but feel that that may have been the situation here. Grosses me the fuck out.
I’m not accusing Tom of anything. But I feel like in no normal situation does a man make a woman prove if she’s on her period or not when trying to have sex.