I took too long to post my boyfriend on social media

Yesterday I woke up and I send my boyfriend a happy Valentine’s Day text, followed by just texting him back and forth cute things through the day. We were not seeing each other on valentines due to our schedules. We went to an event and we were going out to eat after this weekend. Around noon, he made a joke about me not making a social media post and I told him that I hadn’t forgotten and I was going to do it but first I was working on his gift. He then blew up on my calling me ungrateful and a bitch, then he blocked me on the phone. I panicked and cried my eyes out because I was trying to explain why I hadn’t posed him.I tried telling him that I was even pouring my heart and soul into his gift that I was going to give him when I saw him. He’s making me feel like I didn’t do enough. Now I just feel completely distant and annoyed by how he acted that I completely threw what I was making him away because it seems to me that he is the ungrateful one.