Really upset 😭 Can someone recommend uplifting fun stuff to do tomorrow (day or night) to help?
Partial vent, partial advice-seeking:
So yesterday I posted about coming to Virginia Beach for a job interview. It was a last minute call (called Monday to schedule for Wednesday) but I was excited about the job - so I canceled a bunch of meetings, booked a hotel, and set out on a 5+ hour drive today to make sure I’m rested and on time tomorrow. This afternoon (I only noticed now, because I got in late and then had dinner) I got an email from the person who scheduled the interview that said basically “never mind bye.” They knew I was driving down so it is pretty uncivilized IMO…but anywayyy vent part over. What do you recommend doing tomorrow day/night to lift my spirits a bit?
Edited to say: thank you to the people who have given amazing recommendations for tomorrow - I’m excited about the day now instead of just feeling like the whole trip was a waste. Will read through everything again in the morning and make some decisions but I have a general idea of what my day might look like!
Also: no thank you to all the people who sent me or intend to send DMs offering all sorts of unsettling things …. 🥲😬