Oil pressure sensor going off - dealership or local?

Hi all! So, my oil pressure sensor on my 2015 Beetle has appeared and yelled at me for a split second and disappeared a couple of times now, but it’s not consistent as far as I know. It happened again just now as I pulled into my parking lot and I shut my car off immediately. I absolutely plan on getting it into a shop asap, but I just wanted to know if I have to take it to a VW dealership to get it fixed or if I can take it to a local mechanic. My biggest problem is that if I have to take it to the dealership, I don’t know if I can get it there. I obviously don’t want to risk hurting the engine by driving it, but I also can’t afford a tow company taking it for me since it’s an hour and a half away on a good day and I lost my job a week ago (hooray). Is this something that most mechanics would be able to fix/check or am I SOL?

I definitely have an appropriate amount of oil, I checked the first time it happened and I’ll check again once it’s light out, but this is my current dilemma. Thank you in advance. :(