Vyvanse success
I made another post or comment about how vyvanse felt weak in comparison to my adderall script and that it didn’t last long this was the first day I don’t think I had the right routine(taking on empty stomach) or the idea of what it could do until my 2nd day at work and had one of the best performances and flow state I ever had. I feel like I was expecting the instant release kick that IR’s give plus the Levo amphetamine giving you that physical kick and urge to get up for task initiation. I really had to get used to it. But man it’s so much better. I was hating adderall for the side effects, was making me feel like a crackhead and super irritable/mad, mood changes, the comedown was abysmal, anti social etc vyvanse my mood has been super stable, socially it’s much improved over adderall, adderall was making me super paranoid and almost autistic like symptoms if I’m being totally honestly. Vyvanse seems to tone out the volume of everything around me and my thoughts slow and I can focus and do what I need to do, game changer. Best part: NO ANXIETY. Worst part about adderall was the dang anxiety all the time. Sure I had energy and motivation at work, but I be dang if I didn’t mess up a few good times just from being in my head and questioning myself! We’re all different but if you can afford it/ have insurance or the means of switching from adderall to this I highly suggest it. I get it everyone’s different so it may not be for you. But ADHD meds with no comedown is pretty hard to beat.