Something else at play in mechanism?

Alright so I get it’s basically a long acting amphetamine. Slowly released same pharmacology. But is this because it’s my first time with trying the D-Amp version vs Levo in adderall? It seems to have almost a prolonged antidepressant effect, even after coming down and waking up the next day usually I’ll be kinda depressed and moody from not taking my adderall but even before my dose I wasn’t that in a bad mood really which is really surprising. Adderall had a weird way of making me socially anxious and paranoid, vyvanse I’m interactive in group conversations, and making eye contact which I can usually not do. When it wears off I admit I do become a bit more reclusive but by this point it’s time to go to bed and it’s not that extreme anyway. Being diagnosed with ADHD I started on concerta when I was younger, it worked but super tweaked feeling, adderall I was off/on for a good bit of my life, love/hate relationship it had the most epic comedown ever, and with the generics it eventually got to a point where I would get one hour of feel good and motivation/focus then 4-5 hours or the rest of the day of being a shell of myself and irritable just feeling gross, completely gross. I think there is much more going on with quality control and generics than they are leading us to believe. I took shire adderall IR pre-shortage and had little of those terrible mood effects and after it was a completely different drug. Vyvanse is such a breath of fresh air bc it just does exactly what it’s supposed to with no side effects for me.