Post-Hex Wally thoughts, ft. Eleanor
Wally really does feel like a child. Emotionally speaking, since it's still an extremely intelligent eldritch being.
- Implied to be lonely for, well, all of its existence. What's the point of being a god if your dimension is empty? When Albrecht entered, the first thing it did was look through his entire life and take his form. It wants a friend.
- Likes interesting/unique beings, like the Cavia, or Rell. What child doesn't like the exotic and the new? Not to mention it seeing other children -the Zariman's- and their unique situation and immediately went "yep, they can have my stuff."
- Kids are cruel, Jack. Kids will stomp on ants one by one, methodically, for an hour, because they're bored and there's plenty of ants out there anyway. That's what Eleanor's comparisons sparked in my brain.
- And children, well... don't always have the best opinion of adults. Wally has no qualms driving them insane or watching people die. And as much as we meme on "sci-fi parental abuse game", what were the Orokin, if not an entire empire of abusive adults?
So, what is Wally, if not a selfish child that wants an interesting friend, and is indifferent to everything else because it never grew empathy? Neither being alone nor any Orokin would help with that.
I don't know if DE will pick the emotional route to defeating it, like at the end of the Whispers quest, but it'd make sense, tbh. Making Wally mature by us sharing emotions that it just hadn't unlocked yet.