I just can't justify playing anymore

I just can't bring myself to play anymore. Gaijin clearly doesn't care about the health of the game. They don't care about us. They've made incredible profits off of war thunder and instead of showing the player some appreciation, they increase the grind, lower rewards, and punish us for speaking our minds.

I do believe we either need to collectively stop playing all together. Or at minimum we need to strike again. I've started playing other games and it's made me realize how terribly we are all treated.

My friends, we deserve more, we deserve better than scraps. One issue is gaijin has very little to no competition. Wot is not an alternative to wt.

I think we need to find a dev willing to make something similar to wt that won't fall to greed. Something open sourced or at minimum a dev that actually cares about its player base before profits. In this modern world I struggle to see how that's possible. But if we look out for each other anything is possible.

War thunder isn't free to play. If it was ,the grind wouldn't be so horrible even with the premium. My time isn't free. I have a wife and child (with a second on the way) I cannot spend 8 hours a day grinding for scraps. I'm lucky if I get 2 hours to game after my kids asleep. And I cannot afford the ever increasing cost of GE.

I just want to be able to play without being punished for it by the devs.

Rant over, thanks for reading my friends. Have a wonderful day.