DHCP Bad Addresses
Hello there,
since almost half an year now I'm having problems with "bad addresses" on my Windows Domain Controller. I've tried nearly everything which google recommends me doing but nothing helps. So I really hope someone out there has a solution for me.
I think the main problem is, that I still don't get why those BAD_ADDRESSes appear. The Domain Controller is always up to date and the IP conflict detection is at 2. When I manually delete the BAD_ADDRESS leases they appear after some minutes again.
There could be a problem with some DECT transmitters in the wrong vlan, but if that is the problem I don't understand why the DECT transmitters don't create bad_addresses in there own vlan..
Thx for anyone who is willing to help.
Actually the DECT transmitters itself are the problem. At the moment I dont know why, but if there are none of them in the VLAN the problem is gone. Must be some config failure or so.