Anyone else enjoying the show more on rewatch?

Like many I'm rewatching before season 3, and personally enjoying S1 much more this time around. I think already knowing the changes they've made, having made peace with them & having spent more time with the cast in S2, I just can relax and enjoy the ride.

I'm also so much further in the books than when the show first aired! Then, I was on maybe book 3, and I'm on Crossroads of Twilight now. So I'm much more excited for the show to continue, hoping it sticks around long enough to get to my fave scenes, and just enjoying revisiting the early plot lines.

So yes, here I am happily going BOO HISS when Padan Fain appears on screen, and even feeling sorry for Perrin's doomed wife (although knowing what else he goes through, did they really need to beat the man down more?).

I aknowledge that I'm not as much of a book purist as some though! Curious if any true show haters have come around to it at all.