champions a wukong player would like?

sadly i feel like i should put down the monkey. AP items werent hit as hard during the item overhaul, and bruiser items lost a lot of damage and haste. this makes wukong games hard by default as people are running two sometimes three AP comps now. getting a lead rarely feels like it matters, because when it comes time to teamfight my damage is no longer as strong as it was. he doesnt feel as strong so i dont want to one trick him anymore right now, are there any other top laners that are good not only into AD? if you can try recommending characters no greater than A tier. personally its important if my skill and rank match, and i usually stay away from the meta champs for that reason. for reference my highest mastery champs in order are Wukong, Pantheon, Shen, Viego (yes top but too risky now) and Yasuo.