Price drop?

I bought in at $2.80 and then again at $3.30 so a DCA of about $3. I wanted to know your guys thoughts on if the price will eventually drop back to the $0.5-1 mark again as I reckon that’s a really good spot to go “all in”. For now my plan is to ride the wave with the 160 ish coins I have and then try to cash out at a comfortable point and then place majority of my money at a way lower point so that I can maximise my profits for later on in the journey.

I definitely still have my sceptisism on whether xrp will surely surpass $100, and with that potentially being the case I need to go in as low as possible to get as much as possible.

So yeah, basically as a newbie in this game I wanted to get more knowledgeable insights into this and know if it’s worth waiting for it to drop or if that might screw me over and I’ll just end up copping at higher prices for future purchases.

TLDR: is there any point in waiting for it to drop or will it only stay this high and above.

Also bonus question while everyone’s here, who actually thinks it could get past $100?

Edit: for legal purposes I must say I’m not looking for financial advice 🙏