Is this only an ADHD men thing or what
My brother and my dad often interrupt me as I’m mid-sentence and start talking about something completely unrelated and it drives me crazy!!!! My brother claims to not realize he’s doing it but I don’t understand how?
I rarely ever interrupt someone to then bring up something that’s not even related to what they’re talking about. I try not to do this often but sometimes I’ll interrupt people to ask a clarifying question when they’re telling a story or something. Never to change the topic and completely disregard what they’re saying.
They definitely just don’t listen to what I’m saying a lot of the times and my brother always uses ADHD as his excuse and says his ADHD is different and worse than mine and I can’t expect him to focus and listen to everything that I say. I kinda get it if I’m telling a story and he gets lost along the way but damn even if I’m just making a little comment it just gets completely ignored sometimes.
It hurts me because I don’t do that to them. Yeah, our ADHD affects us in different ways but still. I put in the effort to be at least a decent listener and I’d appreciate the same, bare minimum energy back.
Do my brother and dad just suck or have you guys noticed this in other men with ADHD or even other women/yourselves?