Drones spotted in northern California. Finally my turn (serious)

Well, been reading about them for weeks, watching the blurry and shaky videos and looking at pictures that could be anything. Seen Facebook posts in my town with images of lights in the sky that could be helicopters, planes or fucking ET for all we know. Been somewhat skeptical the whole time. Then it happened yesterday.

Me, my wife, and my 4 kids saw a car sized drone fly overhead. It was pretty low so easy to tell the size. More like van sized. I'm going to be as descriptive as I can so you can picture it.

It had two lights at each end, bright white, and no visible wings and the body was very small almost non existent. It was flying straight end to end, looked like a helicopter at first. As it went directly overhead there was no propeller, no body and tail like you would expect from a chopper (we see them all the time from the air bases that surround us) and it was flying in patterns that looked like an unmanned drone.

The weird thing was it was going in figure 8 patterns over a residential area. And to my and the families amazement, it turned from a straight line like a helicopter to a sideways flight like an airplane, went right over us again and the bright white lights started flashing red and green lights.

It was weird and not something I've ever seen before in the sky. We got pics and videos that are mostly blurry and shaky from the window of the car so I'm not going to bother.

But that was my first hand experience, with 6 other witnesses. And yes, all of our footage is crap once again.

Something to add, actual helicopters were circling our town throughout the night. Even from a mile away, you could see and hear the difference. Some with spotlights not pointed down, but up in the sky which was interesting. You could see the spotlights iluminating the clouds all night, which looked spooky itself. But it was just helicopters searching for something. UPDATE:

EDIT: lots of questions so I'll post here Dark grey. About the length of a large van. Thin long body, flat on each side. The front and back appeared to curve upward. The bottom side had a large white light at the front and back. Very bright. It flew lengthwise and moved quickly in a figure 8 patterns at first. It turned very fast, which is what made it look like an unmanned drone. Helicopters and airplanes can't turn that fast.

Later it changed to flying sideways, like holding a pencil and pushing it forward sideways. When it did this the lights changed to red and green. It flew in a straight line at that point until it was out of sight.

There was sound, we could hear it clearly because it flew right overhead twice. It sounded like an electric vehicle and rushing wind. That's best I can describe it. Not loud, but it was close enough we could hear it clearly.