Homeless but not hopeless; looking for work

Male, 27, recently completed a detox out in Gainesville, GA but am still trying to build back a relationship with my folks back at home so I came out here to get away from negative people and influences and start fresh but unfortunately I have nothing but a couple outfits, and an acoustic guitar which has been my only source of income, playing and singing on the street for money for food, hotel rooms, cigarettes, etc. I really need a distraction and a steady, immediate form of income. I'm able-bodied, and I have 10years of work experience doing lots of different jobs. I also have a girlfriend who is suffering alongside me most nights but she is being left with no choice but to put herself into uncomfortable situations in order to be warm and safe for the colder nights. If anyone could please reach out if they can help me find some work, god bless you. I'm desperate.